Distance (km)
Sv. Filip i Jakov Zagreb
282 Budapest
644 Vienna
681 Rome
1239 Berlin
1393 Zürich
885 Paris
1740 London
Required documents:
When entering Croatia you need a driver’s licence and a vehicle registration certificate, as well as a vehicle insurance certificate. If possible you should also obtain an international driver’s licence for possible car rental.
A driver entering the territory of the Republic of Croatia in a vehicle with foreign licence plates must have a valid international document on motor vehicle liability insurance, valid on the territory of the European Union, or some other evidence that such insurance exists.
Allowed speed:
− 50 km/h in populated areas
− 90 km/h outside populated areas
− 110 km/h on limited access roads and expressways
− 130 km/h on motorways
− 80 km/h for motor vehicles towing a vehicle without brakes
− 80 km/h for buses and buses towing a light trailer, 100 km/h on motorways, except buses for organised transport of children.
Any information can be obtained at HAK web site:
If you need technical assistance on the road, the phone number in case of road-related emergencies is at your service 24 hours a day: 987.